Aamir Khan has so far very different from the audience - saw and liked in different forms. But he says his wife Kiran Rao, Aamir Khan a 'rapper' as would like to see.
"Dhobi Ghat" serious film like the Kiran Rao to direct the film 'Delhi belly' a song "your love sweetie Chahiada" The video is directed.Songs in the film's hero Imran Khan a "Rap Star" has been presented like.
Ray says that they enjoy with Aamir in making this video. He says, "Aamir can do anything. That any form of dress are adapt. Them fur coats, gold thick - thick chains Peahnakar typical rap star rap video with them to create the look of fun. "
They talk it about this song recently convened in Mumbai during a press Confzraanss said.
Film 'Delhi belly' Aamir Khan's Prodkashne company created and directed the acting is done by Deo.
Aamir can do anything. That any form of dress are adapt. Them fur coats, gold thick - thick chains Peahnakar typical rap star rap video with them to make the look fun.
Kiran Rao
This is the first time Kiran Rao has directed a music video.
He said, "I wanted to do this video that was singing and dancing. So when Aamir called me to it was so I said yes without thinking for a minute. "
Imran Khan's praise while Ray said, "Imran Khan is good dancer. They probably saw the dance in many songs but to dance like that. "
Imran Khan's film Delhi belly is a song rap star look.
DK Bose
The film's song "DK Bose 'these days is like being the subject of discussion but Song Lyrics Song Lyrics as some people seem obscene.
Anubhav Sinha Filmamekara recently allegedly told indecent songs criticizing it.
About Ray said, "I do not know what they say, so I can not comment on it. But I must admit that if they did not like the song, so that their thinking and they have the right to present it. They do not like it, they do not hear. "
Delhi belly is getting a film released on July.
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